Meet Our Company
Photometric Solutions International Pty Ltd
100% Australian Owned and Operated
Photometric Solutions International (PSI) is a 100% Australian owned and run scientific company, specializing in the design and manufacture of products for the measurement of light and lighting systems – photometric and spectroradiometric testing and measurement equipment. We have a dedicated team of people with the experience and knowledge to provide the complete service. The company may be new but the people are not, with decades of experience in photometry, colorimetry, radiometry and integrated system design and development. |
Our products are used by a diverse client base including:
Please take the time to browse our site to see some of our photometric solutions. Our goal is to meet your needs, and remember that our trademark service qualities are Flexibility, Reliability & Affordability. |
Recent Publications
Bergen, A.S.J., Blattner, P, “Definition and Determination of the Beam Axis and Beam Angle of Complex Luminous Intensity Distributions”, CIE x044:2017, Proceedings of the Conference on “Smarter Lighting for Better Life”, October 2017; pp. 544-552
Bergen, A.S.J., Jenkins, S.E., Tissot, L, “Influence of air speed on photometry of LED lighting devices”, accepted for proceedings of the Metrology Society of Australasia, 14th Biennial Conference, Brisbane, Australia, September 2017.
Bergen, T, Young, R, “50 years of development of light measurement instrumentation”, Lighting Res. Technol. 2018; Vol. 50: 141–153 – Invited paper for a special edition celebrating 50 years of LR&T
Bergen, A.S.J., Cupitt, A., Cowling, I., Budovsky, I., Georgakopoulos, D., Jenkins, S.E., “High Accuracy Calibration and Use of Power Analysers for Measurement of Solid State Lighting Devices”, Lighting Research & Technology, February 2016; vol. 48, 1: pp. 35-43 – Invited paper for a special edition from the CIE Session in Manchester.
Gassmann, F, Krueger, U, Bergen, T, Schmidt, F, “Comparison of luminous intensity distributions”, Lighting Research & Technology 1477153515614613, first published November 4, 2015.
Jacobs, V., Blattner, P., Ohno, Y., Bergen, A.S.J., Krüger, U., Hanselaer, P., Rombauts, P. and Schmidt, F., “Analyses of Errors Associated with Photometric Distance in Goniophotometry”, CIE 216:2015: Proceedings of the 28th Session of the CIE, Volume 1 Part 1, pp 458-468.
Bergen, A.S.J., “Validation of the use of Zero-length Photometry in the Goniophotometry of Solid-state Lighting Devices”, CIE 216:2015: Proceedings of the 28th Session of the CIE, Volume 1 Part 1, pp 450-457.
Bergen, Tony, “Calibration of Illuminance Meters”, Invited Article, Lab World Magazine, Vol 4 No. 1 Aug-Oct 2014.
Bergen, A.S.J., “A Practical Method of Evaluating Uncertainties in Chromaticity Values Derived from Spectral Measurements”, CIE x040:2014 Proceedings of CIE Expert Symposium on Measurement Uncertainties in Photometry and Radiometry for Industry, pp 7-17.
Bergen, Tony, “Standardisation of LED Photometry”, Invited Article, Auto Tech Review, January 2014.
Bergen, Tony, Blattner, Peter, “Developments in Photometry of LEDs and OLEDs”, Invited Article, LED professional Review Magazine, Issue 41 Jan/Feb 2014.
Bergen, A.S.J., Jenkins, S.E., “Determining the Minimum Test Distance in the Goniophotometry of LED Luminaires”, CIE x037:2012 Proceedings of CIE 2012 Lighting Quality and Energy Efficiency, pp 337-343.
Bergen, Tony, “Measurement Uncertainty in Integrating Sphere Photometry”, Invited Article, Lab World Magazine, Vol 2 No. 3 Feb-April 2013.
Bergen, Tony, “Fundamentals of Lighting: The Luminous Intensity Distribution”, Invited Article, Lab World Magazine, Vol 1 No. 4 May-July 2012.
Bergen, A.S.J., “A Practical Method of Comparing Luminous Intensity Distributions”, Lighting Research and Technology, March 2012 vol. 44 no. 1 27-36 – Invited paper for a special edition from the CIE Session in Sun City.
Bergen, Tony, “A Practical Method of Comparing Luminous Intensity Distributions”, Light & Engineering Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 78-84, 2012 (Svetotekhnika No. 3, 2012).
Bergen, A.S.J., “A Practical Method of Comparing Luminous Intensity Distributions”, CIE 197:2011 Proceedings of the 27th Session of the CIE – Sun City, South Africa, 9-16 July 2011, Volume I, pp 178-185.
Thorseth A, Lindén J, Bergen A.S.J., “Measuring and Comparing Waveforms of Temporal Light Modulation”, CIE x046:2019 Proceedings of the 29th Session of the CIE, Washington DC, June 2019, DOI 10.25039/x46.2019.OP02
Bergen, T, Young, R, “50 years of development of light measurement instrumentation”, Lighting Res. Technol. 2018; Vol. 50: 141–153 – Invited paper for a special edition celebrating 50 years of LR&T
Bergen, Tony, “Photometry of LED Lighting Devices”, Light & Engineering Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 80-85, 2017 (Svetotekhnika No. 4, 2017, pp. 14–18)
Bergen, A.S.J., Blattner, P, “Definition and Determination of the Beam Axis and Beam Angle of Complex Luminous Intensity Distributions”, CIE x044:2017, Proceedings of the Conference on “Smarter Lighting for Better Life”, October 2017; pp. 544-552
Thorseth, A., Bergen, A.S.J., “Light source characterization and air movement under CIE S 025”, CIE x044:2017, Proceedings of the Conference on “Smarter Lighting for Better Life”, October 2017; pp. 63-72
Magazine Articles
Bergen, Tony, “Photometric Laboratory Accreditation – Tips for a Successful Assessment”, Lab World Magazine, Vol. 8 No. 2 Nov-Dec 18-Jan 2019
Bergen, Tony, “Calibration of Illuminance Meters”, Invited Article, Lab World Magazine, Vol 4 No. 1 Aug-Oct 2014
Bergen, Tony, “Standardisation of LED Photometry”, Invited Article, Auto Tech Review, January 2014
Bergen, Tony, Blattner, Peter, “Developments in Photometry of LEDs and OLEDs”, Invited Article, LED professional Review Magazine, Issue 41 Jan/Feb 2014
Bergen, Tony, “Measurement Uncertainty in Integrating Sphere Photometry”, Invited Article, Lab World Magazine, Vol 2 No. 3 Feb-April 2013
Bergen, Tony, “Fundamentals of Lighting: The Luminous Intensity Distribution”, Invited Article, Lab World Magazine, Vol 1 No. 4 May-July 2012
Our staff regularly contribute to the development of global standards and regulations through our involvement in organisations such as the International Commission on Illumination (CIE), Standards Australia and other standards bodies.
In particular, our Technical Director Tony Bergen is President of CIE Australia and is Secretary of CIE Division 2; and ourCEO Dr Steve Jenkins is the Australian CIE Division 4 representative. They both also serve on many CIE Technical Committees.
Furthermore, Dr Jenkins and Mr Bergen are also Technical Assessors for the Australian National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA). NATA is Australia’s national laboratory accreditation authority. Dr Jenkins and Mr Bergen are regularly used by NATA to assess the technical performance of photometric laboratories in Australia for ISO-17025 accreditation.
© 2020 Photometric Solutions International Pty Ltd
PSI is a sustaining organisational member of CIE Australia.